Attorney’s Office
Duties & Responsibilities
The Town Attorney, who is appointed by the Mayor, is the legal advisor to the officials of the Town of Lake Arthur.
Bennett LaPoint
Town Attorney
Attorney’s Office
Physical Address
102 Arthur Avenue
Lake Arthur, LA 70549
Phone: 337-774-2211

City Hall
102 Arthur Avenue
Lake Arthur, LA 70549
Phone: 337-774-2211
Police Department
102 Arthur Avenue
Lake Arthur, LA 70549
Phone: 337-774-2411
Fire Department
102 Arthur Avenue
Lake Arthur, LA 70549
Phone: 337-774-2411
Jeff Davis Parish Chamber of Commerce
The Jeff Davis Chamber of Commerce leads and strengthens the business community through promotion, education and advocacy on behalf of its members.
Jeff Davis Parish Tourist Commission
It is our desire to make your visit with us a memorable experience. Whether you are seeking a vacation destination to escape the stresses of everyday life or looking for a warm, gracious community to reside in, look no further than Jeff Davis Parish.